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Overview Gems

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Overview Gems Empty Overview Gems

Post  Kaynen Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:20 pm

Took some time to compile but i hope this might be of help when in search of a gem in traders

Abbreviations Meaning
Conc. Concentration
DD Direct Damage
Dmg Damage
DoT Damage Over Time
Elect. Electrical
HoT Heal Over Time
Invul. Invulnerability
Ma Magic
Magic Invul. cold/fire/electrical/holy/unholy invulnerability
Me Melee
Melee Invul. slashing/crushing/piercing/poison invulnerability
Nat. Natural
Regen Regeneration
Temp Temporary
Class/Colour Slot Prefix Quality Effect
(Black) 1-Handed Baneful Both Unholy Dmg (Ma)
(Black) 1-Handed Defiling Flawless Unholy DD
(Black) 1-Handed Malefic Both Unholy Dmg (Me)
(Black) 1-Handed Noxious Both Poison Dmg (Me)
(Black) 1-Handed Venomous Flawless Poison DD
(Black) 2-Handed Baneful Both Unholy Dmg (Ma)
(Black) 2-Handed Defiling Flawless Unholy DD
(Black) 2-Handed Malefic Both Unholy Dmg (Me)
(Black) 2-Handed Noxious Both Poison Dmg (Me)
(Black) 2-Handed Venomous Flawless Poison DD
(Black) Armour Baneful Both Unholy Dmg (Ma)
(Black) Armour Corruptive Flawless Unholy DD (Reactive)
(Black) Armour Envenoming Flawless Poison DD (Reactive)
(Black) Armour Umbral Both Hiding
(Black) Armour Unhallowed Both Holy Invul.
(Blue) 1-Handed Draining Both Tap Mana (Ma)
(Blue) 1-Handed Enlightening Both Intelligence
(Blue) 1-Handed Fatiguing Both Tap Stamina (Ma)
(Blue) 1-Handed Frostwrought Both Cold Dmg (Me)
(Blue) 1-Handed Gelid Flawless Cold DD
(Blue) 1-Handed Glacial Both Cold Dmg (Ma)
(Blue) 1-Handed Leeching Both Tap Health (Ma)
(Blue) 1-Handed Sagracious Both Wisdom
(Blue) 1-Handed Stupefying Both Tap Mana (Me)
(Blue) 2-Handed Draining Both Tap Mana (Ma)
(Blue) 2-Handed Enlightening Both Intelligence
(Blue) 2-Handed Fatiguing Both Tap Stamina (Ma)
(Blue) 2-Handed Frostwrought Both Cold Dmg (Me)
(Blue) 2-Handed Gelid Flawless Cold DD
(Blue) 2-Handed Glacial Both Cold Dmg (Ma)
(Blue) 2-Handed Leeching Both Tap Health (Ma)
(Blue) 2-Handed Sagracious Both Wisdom
(Blue) 2-Handed Stupefying Both Tap Mana (Me)
(Blue) Armour Enlightening Both Intelligence
(Blue) Armour Glacial Both Cold Dmg (Ma)
(Blue) Armour Icy Both Cold DD (Reactive)
(Blue) Armour Imbued Both Max Mana
(Blue) Armour Negating Both Immunity
(Blue) Armour Quenching Both Fire Invul.
(Blue) Armour Replenishing Both Nat. Mana Regen
(Blue) Armour Repletive Both Non-Combat Mana Regen
(Blue) Armour Sagracious Both Wisdom

Number of posts : 4
Age : 44
Location : Sweden
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-06-30

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Overview Gems Empty Re: Overview Gems

Post  Kaynen Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:22 pm

Class/Colour Slot Prefix Quality Effect
(Green) 1-Handed Brutal Both Fatality
(Green) 1-Handed Deft Both Dexterity
(Green) 1-Handed Enfeebling Both Tap Stamina (Me)
(Green) 1-Handed Frenzied Both Off-Hand Chance
(Green) 1-Handed Panoptic Both Melee Dmg
(Green) 1-Handed Puncturing Both Pierce Dmg
(Green) 2-Handed Brutal Both Fatality
(Green) 2-Handed Deft Both Dexterity
(Green) 2-Handed Enfeebling Both Tap Stamina (Me)
(Green) 2-Handed Panoptic Both Melee Dmg
(Green) 2-Handed Puncturing Both Pierce Dmg
(Green) Armour Dense Both Piercing Invul.
(Green) Armour Deft Both Dexterity
(Green) Armour Evasive Both Evasion
(Green) Armour Frenzied Both Off-Hand Chance
(Green) Armour Invigorating Both Max Stamina
(Green) Armour Poised Both Bow Dmg
(Green) Armour Rejuvinating Both Natural Stamina Regen
(Green) Armour Retortive Flawless Slashing DD (Reactive)
(Green) Armour Retributive Flawless Piercing DD (Reactive)
(Green) Armour Ripping Flawless Crushing DoT (Reactive)
(Green) Armour Salubrious Both Non-combat Stamina Regen
(Green) Armour Steady Both Crossbow Dmg
(Green) Armour Tenacious Both Slashing Invul.
(Green) Armour Thrusting Both Dagger Dmg
(Green) Armour Unyielding Both Crushing Invul.
(Orange) 1-Handed Flaring Flawless Fire DD
(Orange) 1-Handed Igneous Both Fire Dmg (Ma)
(Orange) 1-Handed Searing Both Fire Dmg (Me)
(Orange) 2-Handed Flaring Flawless Fire DD
(Orange) 2-Handed Igneous Both Fire Dmg (Ma)
(Orange) 2-Handed Searing Both Fire Dmg (Me)
(Orange) Armour Algid Both Cold Invul.
(Orange) Armour Igneous Both Fire Dmg (Ma)
(Orange) Armour Scalding Flawless Fire DD (Reactive)

Last edited by Kayden on Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 4
Age : 44
Location : Sweden
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-06-30

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Overview Gems Empty Re: Overview Gems

Post  Kaynen Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:22 pm

Class/Colour Slot Prefix Quality Effect
(Violet) 1-Handed Mocking Both Hate
(Violet) 1-Handed Vexing Both Taunt
(Violet) 2-Handed Mocking Both Hate
(Violet) 2-Handed Vexing Both Taunt
(Violet) Armour Immutable Flawless Magic Invulnerabilities
(Violet) Armour Mocking Both Hate
(Violet) Armour Sacracial Flawless Temp. Magic Invulnerabilities
(Violet) Armour Vexing Both Taunt
(Red) 1-Handed Destructive Both Crushing Dmg
(Red) 1-Handed Eviscerating Both Slashing Dmg
(Red) 1-Handed Exsanguinating Both Tap Health (Me)
(Red) 1-Handed Mighty Both Strength
(Red) 1-Handed Rending Flawless Slashing DoT
(Red) 1-Handed Rupturing Flawless Piercing DOT
(Red) 2-Handed Destructive Both Crushing Dmg
(Red) 2-Handed Eviscerating Both Slashing Dmg
(Red) 2-Handed Exsanguinating Both Tap Health (Me)
(Red) 2-Handed Mighty Both Strength
(Red) 2-Handed Rending Flawless Slashing DoT
(Red) 2-Handed Rupturing Flawless Piercing DOT
(Red) Armour Concussant Both 2-Handed Blunt Dmg
(Red) Armour Fortifying Both Constitution
(Red) Armour Inviolate Flawless Melee Invulnerabilities
(Red) Armour Mighty Both Strength
(Red) Armour Pulsing Flawless HoT (Reactive)
(Red) Armour Revitalizing Both Non-Combat Hp Regen
(Red) Armour Scything Both 2-Handed Edge Dmg
(Red) Armour Secular Flawless Temp. Melee Invulnerablities
(Red) Armour Thrashing Both 1-Handed Blunt Dmg
(Red) Armour Vicious Both 1-Handed Edge Dmg
(Red) Armour Violent Both Polearm Dmg
(White) 1-Handed Arcing Flawless Elect. DD
(White) 1-Handed Stormforged Both Elect. Dmg (Me)
(White) 1-Handed Temptestuous Both Elect. Dmg (Ma)
(White) 2-Handed Arcing Flawless Elect. DD
(White) 2-Handed Stormforged Both Elect. Dmg (Me)
(White) 2-Handed Temptestuous Both Elect. Dmg (Ma)
(White) Armour Grounding Both Elect. Invul.
(White) Armour Observers Both Perception
(White) Armour Shocking Flawless Elect. DD (Reactive)
(White) Armour Temptestuous Both Elect. Dmg (Ma)
(Yellow) 1-Handed Focusing Both Casting Conc.
(Yellow) 1-Handed Omnific Both Magic Damage
(Yellow) 1-Handed Retributive Both Holy Dmg (Me)
(Yellow) 1-Handed Sacred Both Holy Dmg (Ma)
(Yellow) 1-Handed Wrathful Flawless Holy DD
(Yellow) 2-Handed Focusing Both Casting Conc.
(Yellow) 2-Handed Omnific Both Magic Damage
(Yellow) 2-Handed Retributive Both Holy Dmg (Me)
(Yellow) 2-Handed Sacred Both Holy Dmg (Ma)
(Yellow) 2-Handed Wrathful Flawless Holy DD
(Yellow) Armour Focusing Both Casting Conc.
(Yellow) Armour Merciful Both - Hate Gain
(Yellow) Armour Purifying Both Poison Invul.
(Yellow) Armour Sacred Both Holy Dmg (Ma)
(Yellow) Armour Sacrosanct Both Unholy Invul.
(Yellow) Armour Vengeful Flawless Holy DD (Reactive)

Number of posts : 4
Age : 44
Location : Sweden
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-06-30

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Overview Gems Empty Re: Overview Gems

Post  Hepskuq Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:07 am

1-h and 2-h slots? Violet gems? Isn't this from the 1.04 world?

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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