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New architect recipes

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New architect recipes Empty New architect recipes

Post  Souzan Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:24 pm


Honored Matriarch (5) - Catacombs, sin boss
Winged Sentry (2) - Guild City, Renown level 2, Sculptor
Hungry Serpent (4) - Guild City, Renown level 4, Sculptor
Blessed Font (5) - Iron Tower, Anoki
Detailed Bust - ????
Contemplating Ape (5) - Guild City, Renown level 4, Sculptor
Reptilian Mother (16) - ????
Pathfinder Stones - ????
Joy of Slaughter (4) - Guild City, Renown level 4, Sculptor
Embodied Knowledge - ????
King of Good Fortune (13) - Guild City, Renown level 5, Sculptor
Acceptance - Attilus Mansion, Attilus
Cerulean Beauty (13) - Guild City, Renown level 5, Sculptor
Burbling Fountain (14) - Main Systems, last boss
Occupied Iron Maiden - Iron Tower, Executioner
Strange Figure (4) - Guild City, Renown level 4, Sculptor
Iron Maiden - Iron Tower, Executioner


Display of Wealth (4) - Guld City Renown level 6, Stoneworker
Silent Threat - ????
Inscribed Pillar - (4) - Guld City Renown level 6, Stoneworker
Cobra Pillar (7) - Black Ring Citadel, Leviatus
Marble Column - ????
Clan Pillar - ????
Palace Pillar - (4) - Guld City Renown level 6, Stoneworker
Tall Vermillion Pillar (4) - Guld City Renown level 6, Stoneworker
Caught Spy (4) - Guild City, Renown level 4, War Merchant
Courage Totem - ????
Serpent-Wrapped Pillar (5) - Black Ring Citadel, Sabazios the Insane
Sandstone Pillar - ????
Handpainted Column - ????
Broken Marble Column (4) - Guld City Renown level 6, Stoneworker
Intricately Sculpted Pillar - ????
Malachite Spray - ????


Lion Ensign (2) - Guild City, Renown level 2, War Merchant
Raven Ensign (14) - ????
Owl Ensign (14) - Border Range, from boss
Serpent Ensign (4) - Guild City, Renown level 4, War Merchant
Harmonic Ward - ????
Ancestral Ward - ????
Bone Ward - ????
Heavenly Ward - ????
Finely Woven Banner (4) - Guild City, Renown level 4, War Merchant
Posted Notice (6) - Guild City, Renown level 6, Woodcarver


Ivory Stinkhorns - ????
Banded Boletes - Main Systems
Ficus - Guld City Renown level 2, City Gardener
Boxwood - Guld City Renown level 2, City Gardener
Young Jungle Creeper - Tortage
Jungle Creeper - Tortage
Meadow Saffron - Villa Amiel
Vernal Saffron - Villa Amiel
Ymirian Sunset - ????
Blossoming Snowseed - ????
Warmble Cap Cluster - Main Systems
Miniature Barachan Liliac - Tortage
Feather Fern - Villa Amiel
Moonflower - Villa Amiel
Barberry - Guld City Renown level 2, City Gardener
Frostleaf - Guld City Renown level 2, City Gardener
Red Lotus - Guld City Renown level 2, City Gardener


Architect: Balance of Souls (7) - Black Ring Citadel, Chatha
Architect: Idol of Forgotten Gods (17) - Sanctum of Burning Souls, Ancient Blood Defiler
Architect: Sacrificial Stone (6) - Frost Swamp, last boss
Architect: Chieftain's Burial (10) - Toirdealbach's Tomb, Toirdealbach
Architect: Sarcophagal Vault (6) - Sanctum, first boss
Architect: Reconstructed Ruins (16) - Amphitheatre, last boss
Architect: Alarm Horn - Guild City, Renown level ????
Architect: The Rack - Iron Tower, Executioner
Architect: Departed Warrior (17) - ????
Architect: The Patient Watcher (19) - ????
Architect: Stone Attendant (6) - Guild City, Renown level 6, Visionary

Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2009-09-02

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