Crimson Horizon
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Computer troubles

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Computer troubles Empty Computer troubles

Post  Hepskuq Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:43 am

It seems I won't be participating anything for a few days now, as it happens my computer invariably totally freezes to a non-resposive state, with the screen becoming a homogenous mess of purple and blue, whenever I try to start the game. This leads to an eventual auto-restart of the whole system. The thing's been acting similarly for some time now, crashing randomly in like manner, but now it seems the piece of crap is coming apart conclusively. Sad

I suspect I'll be getting a new computer sometime next week, maybe between 23rd and 26th.

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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