Crimson Horizon
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New web site

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New web site Empty New web site

Post  Shaun Mon May 09, 2011 2:17 am

Just a not for those who didn't know, mainly Ordo members not in the game at the moment , we have Merged with another guild, Sisters of Mercy, and have changed the Guild name and now have a brand new sparrkly web site. This site can be found at so copy paste this and come join the new look Crimson Horizon.

We have also finally put up the last Tier 3 building and so only have the walls to go we have an active raid group doing T1 and T2 on tuesdays and thursdays and are trying to organise friendly mini games on a more regular basis and lastly for the past 3 weeks since the merge we have been coming 3rd and even 2nd in renown points on the server( I know this is only a P***ing contest really Very Happy

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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