Crimson Horizon
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Introducing Yourself

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Introducing Yourself Empty Introducing Yourself

Post  Termie Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:47 am

Greertings all; Termie is the name, AoC is my game cheers

Most of you already know me from "OotD" and/or "H-A", as a "Deranged", "Blind" and "Braindead" player. (DBB Class)
You will have to promise me, that it stays in the Guild, no one speaks of it outside our ranks! (Promise me now clown )

The Truth Is Out There: (X-files)
I started my adventures at the beach of Tortage, an only child, parents devoured by Vistrix.
I swore to myself, to have my revenge. I've been places, seen things that would shatter your bones.
Never gave up, made friends, made enemy's.
My hunger for revenge drove me near to madness.
My hatred blinded me. Oooh my hate for the Dragon Vistrix

I have come full circle now, reunited with my very old/dear friends, reinlisted and ready to do their bidding.
All i seek now is redemption, free my soul, free my heart and let me see again. See The Truth Out There

The real me;
Just a normal everyday kinda guy.
Born in the Netherlands, lived for 8 years in the USA, then came back! ---------> Why? Dont ask! jocolor
Just loves a good joke. (can give, but also take it, no need to go easy in this dude) Razz
I offten "The Long Ranger" in real life to. But, is and likes good company!
See's himself as a Care Bear; Loves to love, Loves to cuddle, Loves to help, Loves to joke,
but hates it, when ignored and left alone in the dark.
(And no, this is no cantact add (lol))affraid

A Rangers greatest fear!
I have scaled many mountains,
Embraced on the tips of high summits,
I have stared, frozen with fear at sheer stone faces,
And impenetrable places,
That seemed impossible to endure.
Yet I survived,
Balancing in a keyhole of light,
With a choice, to fall, to rest, or fight.

Number of posts : 16
Location : Think of me, I'l be there
Class : Ranger
Registration date : 2009-01-31

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Introducing Yourself Empty Self Introduce

Post  Femida Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:24 am

Hi flower I'm making this topic to help know each other, and I would be really great full if everyone in Ordo's Michaelis guild would participate in this. This would be like introducing yourself saying what you like and showing how you look. So I'm making first step Smile

In game name: Femida-DT 80LvL ,Giurza-Necro 80 LvL, Osvaldas-Barbarian 80 LvL, Gaja-Bear Shaman 56 LvL.
Real name: Elena
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 25
Hobies: Drawing, Gaming Smile , Collecting cold weapons...

Be nice to each other flower

Number of posts : 60
Class : Dark Templar
Registration date : 2009-02-01

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  BitterBeauty Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:48 am

In Game Name: BitterBeauty-Priest Of Mitra 66 LvL, Haruko-Assasin 15 LvL Very Happy
Real Name: Aneta
Location: UK
Age: 20
Hobies: Dancing,Gaming,Going out with friends Smile
Picture: Me on the right side and Femida on left

Number of posts : 2
Age : 35
Location : UK
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-01-29

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  sunabe Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:06 am

In game : Mirna Lvl 80 ToS, Jhureen lvl 78 DT other alts
real name: Kasper
Location: holland
age: 24
hobbies: Gaming and reading

Number of posts : 13
Age : 39
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Introducing Yourself Empty Termi's intro

Post  Guest Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:49 pm

Hey hey Termi,

Nice introduction mate. I'm happy you accepted the invitation, it's very good to have you on board. You will not be alone in the dark, there's always someone who will jinx some light on you ;-)

Have fun and see you in Hyboria,

Jinxer. Twisted Evil

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Hepskuq Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:00 pm

In-Game: Hepskuq 80 necromancer, Nures 80 assassin, Bathos 10 bear-shaman
Real-life name: Jani
Location: Finland
Age: 31
Hobbies: Guitar (generally music-enthusiastic), Reading (historical fiction mostly, but also scientific stuff for the layman/educationally challenged - cosmology, theoretical physics etc. Razz ), Games, Going to me parents' summer-place in an island & hanging out there (staring at a 4-hour sunset over the western sea, reflecting with some fitting music playing in my ears & enjoying a sip off some suitable bewerage every now and then is what I find particularly appealing) Very Happy

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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Introducing Yourself Empty Finaly (hihi)

Post  Termie Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:36 pm

THX Jinx,
You are the first, i hope not the last.
Now the next step is to introdce yourself, and we gat us a Convoy!
Waiting and hoping for more.

No need to "make", edit or do anything to make an Advitar, or Signature.
Be who you are. If not, let me know and i'l help you get the results you want.
No costs, Its Ordos. The Rule!

Number of posts : 16
Location : Think of me, I'l be there
Class : Ranger
Registration date : 2009-01-31

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Kibegami Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:48 pm

In Game Gaijen 80Hox, Kyudo 80 Ranger, Kibegami 80 Sin, Kensai 80 DT, Pachet 80 Necro, Raset 80 Tos, Rakhir 80 barb, and others

Real Name : Depends on what country and who you ask (James, Choong-Sub, Musashi)
Location: Stuttgart, Deutschland
Hobies: Video Games, Koryu, writing, reading, cooking

I would post a pic, but I can not compare to the two lovely ladies above

Last edited by Gaijen on Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add recent 80s)

Number of posts : 90
Location : Stuttgart
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-01-16

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Nahkti Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:24 pm

There were two topics about the same thing, Termie' obviously didnt do a search first (slaps wrists) so I've merged them both together Smile

Well as I'm posting here:

In game name: Nahkti ToS lvl 80, Pravusvox Necro lvl 80, Junundu PoM lvl 49
Real name: Pete
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 46
Hobbies: Games, movies, music (producing and listening), kicking the cats, web stuff.
Picture: I don't want to scare the children!

Number of posts : 74
Location : London
Class : Tempest of Set
Registration date : 2009-01-10

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Simbolina Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:29 pm

Hello everyone,

I am Simbolina, and other names as well. What can I tell you about myself? I think it is best summed up in, The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy, when Zaphod Beeblebrox's brain-care specialist, Gag Halfrunt, was asked to describe him, he replied, “Zaphod? Well he's just this guy, you know”

I played Guildwars, for three years before this where people said I was a bit of a “cult”...Well I think that's what they said.

I came to this server from Aquiliona about a month ago now and stared an alt, that was before the character transfers were announced. I was at the end of my tether with Gankers and PvP XP farmers, I just could not understand the PvP is everything attitude. As soon as the transfers were available I moved all my characters here and they love it as do I.

I like to be part of a group of like minded friends and when I am I remain loyal to them, so you people have got me for the duration, I am here and here to stay!

I enjoy helping others if I am able to with the limited knowledge of the game that I have, and I am not offended when another player offers me advice.

I have found a new lease of life in role play in which I have made many new friends, oh, and my wife doesn't understand me, nothing new there, I am Welsh and she only understands Hungarian.

I like to write long and convoluted stories when I have the time, but recently all my spare time has been taken up playing AoC.

Any comments will be gratefully accepted if written on the reverse of a £20 note and left behind the cold water pipe, third cubicle from the right, Gents toilet, Euston Station, London, England.

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-02-02

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Introducing Yourself Empty Its me ;)

Post  Nie.... Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:51 pm

Yuhu,i want to make it easy for all to remember me so
my Ingamechars are normaly beginning with Nie :

Real name: Jö(oe)rg
Location: Berlin,Germany
Age: 32
Hobbies: Multiplayeronlinegames, Mountainbiking and producing videos of it,music,reading and if theres enough money tasting good single malts Wink

Last edited by Nie.... on Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:02 am; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 19
Age : 47
Class : Ranger
Registration date : 2009-01-30

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Introducing Yourself Empty Jinxer...dare to be different...

Post  Guest Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:46 am we go...

I'm a Dutchy, live in Groningen at the moment, but will be moving back to 's-Hertogenbosch soon. I have more hobbies then time possibly will allow. I love to ride on my Harley's, love hiking (especially in Canada and northern Finland), I like taking photographs, I like reading, gaming, I like mountainbiking, Aikido, having a drink with friends, going to the beach, etc. etc.

I've played Final Fantasy XI and had several classes maxed out (lvl 75 fully merited Beastmaster, Samurai, Ninja & Dragoon) and I have played Lord of the Rings online a short time (max levelled Loremaster).

I hate to be alone in the dark as Termi said in his very nice introduction and live alone in my cozy house in the middle of nature. Who shines his or her light on me, will always receive the best i can offer in return. I love teaming up and having fun, I hate teaming up when people shout and/or curse. I like to help, feel free to ask, but respect a 'no' if I happen to give you one.

I enjoyed last raid a lot, we did great, I sure hope many will follow,

See you soon,


You never know what can happen when you take a spin on your bike by the way; Twisted Evil

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Yarah Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:07 pm

Hey, thought I might as well pop in here. My guild is Black River Brigade (formerly known as The New Horizon) but I'm a rather regular guest at Ordo S. M. raids. Smile

In game name: Yarah, lvl 80 Assassin
Real name: Anna
Location: Oulu, Finland
Age: 23
Hobies: Besides AoC? Razz Jogging, swimming, fitness boxing, reading, listening to metal \,,/
Picture: 1, 2

Number of posts : 8
Age : 38
Location : Finland
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-01-26

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Bogra Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:37 am

Hi there, my real name is Marcin and i am from Poland. I have played AoC since launch but take a brake after 3 months (various reasons). I have lev 70 Assasin on Aquilonia, my first character made. I've played many MMO games (Lineage 2, WoW, WAR, Anarchy Online). I came to Hyrkania with my friends Lionic, Rashan and Ahana (maybe more soon XD). We play together in various games about three years and now our home is AoC. I like good SF and Fantasy books and movies, love to watch good SF series (like Battlestar Galactica). I like RP, but prefer good PnP rather then RP-ing in games (but have two chars for RP purpose only). I have very good impression about OrdoS. after first weeks of playing so i am sure we come along just fine together.

Ingame names: Bogra-PoM 32, Diawen-Necromancer 49.
Age: 30
Real Name: Marcin
Location: Poland

Let the Force be with you all Smile

Number of posts : 30
Age : 46
Location : Poznan/Poland
Class : Priest of Mitra
Registration date : 2009-01-29

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Alixa Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:24 am


Well... how to start... In game i'm Henry a Bearshaman or Alixa a Dark Templar..
Heard about this mmorpg from a friend at work.. cheked it out and got stuck here..
I have previously played Ever Quest, Ultima Online, Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Horizons, EVE, Lineage 2, WoW, City of Heroes/Villains and Lord Of The Rings Online.. and some free ones like Guild Wars...
The only game i miss playing of all those is City of Heroes... i loved it.. but now AoC got my time.
Also i managed to get my wife to play this too... ( she plays Anette ) actually she gave it to me as a present and she wanted to try it a little to see if it was easier for her to understand than WoW was ( she doesnt speak english at all..almost ) and it was, now her toon is higher lvl than mine so i had to buy another copy so i could play it myself a bit.

Real life name = Henry
Wife = Anette
Lives in Sweden
I'm 44 yrs old
We got 4 kids ages from 2-10.. (they cant play AoC... we wont let them.. its our game! lol )
Besides playing AoC i draw and workout in the gym and i also study a martial art, read and spend time with the family..

Well thats about it...

See you all in there..

Number of posts : 2
Age : 59
Location : Sweden
Class : Dark Templar
Registration date : 2009-02-12

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Xvar Wed May 13, 2009 7:44 am

After wandering Hyrkania and trying different guilds Xvar stops by here and joins the like minded people of Ordo S. Michaelis

Realname: Antti
Lives: Lappeenranta, Finland
Hobbies: Gaming almost in all forms, mainly card games, board games, computer/console games and of course pen & paper roleplaying games. Is also obsessed with movies.
Motto:Anything is possible, specially if you grind it.

Number of posts : 22
Age : 45
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-05-12

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Zelgius Wed May 13, 2009 11:41 am

In game name: Zelgius - 80 Barbarian, Deryck - 80 Guardian and Terreus - 80 Bear Shaman
Real name: Philip
Location: Were Crom (FunCom) slumbers. Norway ;P
Age: 21
Hobbies: Games, games and games... Did i mention games?? ;o
Pictures: Umm, how do you post pics? Laughing
Motto: Hell dont want me, heaven is afraid il take over and earthlings worthship me

Thats all folks, see ya in game for more /bycrom and /fart spam! pig monkey

Number of posts : 3
Age : 36
Class : Barbarian
Registration date : 2009-02-03

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re. Introducing Yourself.

Post  GerAg95 Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:25 am

My name... GerAg95, in real life, Gerald from North East of Ireland, an old (61) guy am I. Once I was an engineer then I fell asleep. When I awoke I was a different person. Likes/dislikes:-
The Likes - My wife and best friend, Hazel- Maximillian Schnell, My 2nd best friend, a short haired German Pointer,- Living, there is beauty in all,- and finaly, AoC, probably the never ending story for young and old.
My dislikes are few, acceptances many. I dislike Polititians for their almost truths. Heroes we need, to look up to and base our lives upon.
My characters are;-
Omegaso, Ranger lvl 49,
Lovey, Demonologist lvl 41,
Mitrasu, Priest of Mitra lvl39,
Aoifecael, Dark Templar lvl 32.
Each has a story, some happy, some tragic, they may one day share with you but they all take the time for this Introduction.
I must go I have much to do I want to reach lvl 50 soon.

The Sun always rises on a new day and we have work to do. So sharpen your blades and gird thy loins. FOR YOUR GOD AND CONAN !!!

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2009-07-03

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Azuan Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:20 am

As a new and fresh part-time member of Ordo I thought I'd just drop a line here as well.

My real name is Erlyn, 25 years of age and I was handreared in the Netherlands. I have been playing fantasy games of all sorts since I was but a teeny tiny little girl, sitting on dad's lap watching the (ancient) pc screen as he played Might and Magic, Eye of the Beholder, Daggerfall and all the old games. I devour (historical) fantasy books, collect comics (Slaine, Dawn and a lot published through Aspen) and artprints (lithos) of these, do live roleplaying, pen and paper when I can and of course enjoy raiding and rp in MMO's. I guess it's safe to say that fantasy of any kind has my interest.
Jobwise I am the exact opposite of the daydreamer I can be at home, I am a careermaking kind of girl that is quite proud of her achievements through hard work (no no not under the boss' desk) and am very serious in what I take on.
My sense of humor is either selfdepreciating (if I didn't do this you would think I am stuck up and I can't have you all knowing the truth!!) or horribly sarcastic. It all comes however from a good heart without ill intent, because if I do not like you, you will be told without any room for misinterpretations. That is however a rare thing. I have a lot of patience for people and do not write people off straight away, I have seen enough in life to understand the human psyche to a certain extent and know that not every day can be our best day, or even week.

Even though my duty lies with Legends, as black sheep (see Guildleader) and raidleader, I still want to make time to share a good laugh with all of you. Some I know from the time I started playing, others I only met a few months ago when I joined Legends. To me it is all the same, you are great people that I would love to spend more time with.

Last edited by Azuan on Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:16 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 7
Age : 40
Location : The Netherlands
Class : Dark Templar
Registration date : 2009-07-26

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Introducing Yourself Empty Introduction

Post  Ulisse Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:04 pm

Hi everyone!
In game name: Ulisse-Guard, Maldiluna-Ranger
Real name: Danilo
Location: Italy (Aquilonia Razz)
Age: 34
Hobies: Gaming, RPG Live and Pen&Paper, heavy metal, graphic&web design

Last edited by Ulisse on Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 3
Age : 49
Location : Tuscany (Italy)
Class : Guardian
Registration date : 2009-08-10

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Xaruitl Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:58 am

Hi there! So.. where to start?
Real name's Felix and I'm from a little village in southern Lower Saxony in Germany, currently 22 years old.
I just finished a one year job working at a cinema/theater/livestage in Wiesbaden and am now moving back to my hometown to hopefully get an apprenticeship as a sound technician. So much for background information Wink

I've been playing on Hyrkania ever since fleeing the ganking on Asgard.
Mainly I'm playing my 70-ish Herald of Xotli as I just love the concept of a melee based caster-class.

And I see some familiar names here, that's great!

Happy to be here, see you all ingame! Smile

Number of posts : 7
Location : Germany
Class : Herald of Xotli
Registration date : 2009-08-24

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Shaun Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:01 am

Good God

Do you know after over a Year of play and however many months as the head of the finest guild in Hyrkania I have just realised that I have never made an entry introducing myself... what a NOOOOB but then this is the first MMO so how I got so much power I'll never know !!!

Well I am 47 married and living in the leafy southern suburbs of London!! and work at the second busiest single runway airport in the world Gatwick and have been the since time began. I am I admit a bit of a petrolhead having owned Alfa Romeos and Capri's in the past and now drive an Audi S4 4.2 V8 cabriolet

I have been gaming since my scholdays way back in the Mist of time before most of you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye, and I started with table top wargames with lovingly handpainted metal figuries depicting Napoleons hordes and mixed this with a splattering of ww11 1 : 300 tank battles.

I have also played D&D advanced D&D in all its versions sword and sorcery runequest traveller and Paranoia (whay a wacky game)

As you notice I am in game with a variety of characters at various times of day and night and and am always willing to go adventuring with peeps anytime but beware I have been called a recipe whore so yo need to be on your toes around me muahahaha now to list them all !!

Shaun lvl80 Necro Typhoon Lvl 53 ToS
Lister Lvl80 Conq ....More to be added as I remember their names
Zolkan lvl 80 Hox
Traithe Lvl80 Beershamain
Fletcher lvl 80 Ranger

Last edited by Shaun on Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Omena Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:27 am

Hello all ^^

I am a newcomer in your guild and THANKS, was soo nice to join!
I play a hox called Omena, which means apple in Finnish, lol.

In rl I am a 19y old girlie named Rosita, just call me Rosse. Or Omena, or Apple. Whatever! Smile I live in Finland, tho am Swede from my origin. Atm I am working as a narrator at F-Secure, doing Swedish recordings to educational stuff. Well, that isn't my real profession, I graduated this spring from high school/vocational school as an architectual draughtsman.
On my spare time i go riding on a horse named Welsa, take jogs, spend my time at the gym, clean our aparment, do slalom, cuddle with my love (Alex) and take care of our two cats.

This is the first game I have played, heh. If you don't count The Sims, Rayman etc which I played about 6 years ago... It is due to Alex I got stuck in here >_<
And here's a pic of me (with my old hair, now I have a black fringe). Cya all in the game!

Introducing Yourself 12

Number of posts : 1
Age : 34
Location : Finland
Class : Herald of Xotli
Registration date : 2009-10-07

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Akaru Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:55 am

Yo, me be Ganz
Well, my main is now Akaru I guess, and Ganz Alt.

Personal information:
Call me Ganz (or Akaru), I'm a 19 years old "man" from Hudiksvall, Sweden.
My opinion is that my real name has nothing to do online, and are therefore sticking to alias.
I enjoy things like reading books and writing my own stories.
Playing fantasy games aswell as watching good movies.
I mostly don't worry to much about things to come, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
I like of dislikes PvP in all forms, but open world the most.
Love PvE with quests which is what drew me to try RP.
Raiding is fun, and groups too.

For me... It started back in 2000-ish.
My friends and I started playing Runescape, lasted for about a year.
After that we tried a few other games together.
Unless my memory fails me the next game was Anarchy Online.
Yeah, that was fun.
If you don't count all the small, free, online games that I can't remember the name off, the next game was World of Warcraft.
You know those annoying 14 year old noobs in WoW?
That was me. ^^
Played Wow for a long time, back and forth for 3 years.
During these times I was involved with some pretty Heavy role-playing. Seriously, those guys were crazy. They would come to your house and throw dead puppies on your front door if you dared to speak Out Of Character in the guild chat...
After that I tried Vanguard: Saga of Heroes... Yeah, I quit after a while.
Then came Age of Conan, and I started right away during the first week after release.
Been on and off for months since that day... Only managed to get 3 characters to lvl 80. (Demo, Conq and Necro)

Well, back to leveling.

Number of posts : 3
Location : Sweden
Class : Herald of Xotli
Registration date : 2010-01-03

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Introducing Yourself Empty Re: Introducing Yourself

Post  Akvaah Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:10 pm

Time for me to introduce myself as well then! I'm a bit of an Altoholic, so while my HoX Akvaah is my main (for now), I can also be found on other characters. Have played quite a few MMOs over the years, Project Entropia, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes/Villains, Pirates of the Burning Sea, EVE, Warhammer Online, D&D Online.....and others I'm forgetting to mention now.

Realname: Marcel
Lives: Eskilstuna, Sweden
Motto: A man with one clock always knows what time it is. A man with 2 clocks is never sure!

Number of posts : 2
Age : 42
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2010-01-04

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