Crimson Horizon
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Termie escapes the Belly of the Beast

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Termie escapes the Belly of the Beast Empty Termie escapes the Belly of the Beast

Post  Termie Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:26 am

Greetings Smile

Here Termie finishes the quest "The Killer Within"
Darn, was eaten alive. This was my chance. Kill the beast from the inside, and stay alive.
I warned her! "Eat This, Kyllikki"
It toke many arrows, but i succeeded. And see, I'm Alive Smile
Just crawled out of the "Belly of the Beast". I did lose a leg, but i will be back for it lol!

Termie escapes the Belly of the Beast Within11

Number of posts : 16
Location : Think of me, I'l be there
Class : Ranger
Registration date : 2009-01-31

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