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A Request for information.

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A Request for information. Empty A Request for information.

Post  Akaru Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:03 am

Hi there, If I've posted wrong feel free to move or delete my post. xD

I was looking around the interwebz and found this
A Request for information. Tooltip?h=_UQjWvx4

I would really like this for RP stuff... problem is that I can't find it anywhere.

Is this item even in the game? Does anyone know anything about it?

Number of posts : 3
Location : Sweden
Class : Herald of Xotli
Registration date : 2010-01-03

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A Request for information. Empty Re: A Request for information.

Post  Hepskuq Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:33 am

Off the top of my head, can't remember anyone possessing the recipe for that. Checked a general compiled spreadsheet of 1.05 recipes, and it's not even listed there, but the stats from YG are from 1.05 which makes it a bit of a mystery.

Robes that have the same look include the Wildfire Robe, at least, which is a level 70-80 "World Drop".

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A Request for information. Empty Re: A Request for information.

Post  Akaru Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:15 pm

Hepskuq wrote:Off the top of my head, can't remember anyone possessing the recipe for that. Checked a general compiled spreadsheet of 1.05 recipes, and it's not even listed there, but the stats from YG are from 1.05 which makes it a bit of a mystery.

Robes that have the same look include the Wildfire Robe, at least, which is a level 70-80 "World Drop".

Wow, that is a GREAT tip. Thanks!
Better to look for Wildfire instead then, instead of a robe that might not be in the game. xD
Thanks Hepskuq!

Number of posts : 3
Location : Sweden
Class : Herald of Xotli
Registration date : 2010-01-03

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