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Minutes/ Items discussed at theOrdo guild meeting apr 25th, 2009

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Minutes/ Items discussed at theOrdo guild meeting apr 25th, 2009 Empty Minutes/ Items discussed at theOrdo guild meeting apr 25th, 2009

Post  Kibegami Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:42 pm

First I want to thank everyone for coming. Seeing and hearing everyone reassures me that Ordo is on the right path, and we together will be stronger than ever. As I see it, we covered many issues including raiding, recruiting, pvp/ sieges.

1. Recruiting: We agreed that we need to bring new players into the guild and we need to interview them before extending an invitation. We need to have people focus on recruiting Lagoudaki/Bogra have offered to be recruiters. If you are interested in being a recruiter please send Shaun/ Gaijen an in game mail.

2. Raiding. We are interested in having ordo raids but need to get a core group of 30 to 35 people together. As mentioned under recruiting, we need to build up our roster, thus we hope to be having full Ordo raids in a couple months. Also we need to focus on doing instances such as Onyx and Atzel’s fort, Epic Bats to get gear and some basic teamwork skills down. We should also do T1 trash runs to get 70th level players a chance to get a feel of raiding. Hepskuq will put some articles up on the forum. Untill we are ready to have our own raids again Xianis has great raids going on, contact him for info!!!

3. PVP/siege. From listening to everyone it seems tht there is a great interest in PVPing. If you are interested in joining an ordo 6 person PVP team send Gaijen/Shaun an in game mail. Also, an in guild PvP tournament might be a nice idea let us talk about it in our next meeting. If you are interested in a RP siege that could last 5 or 6 weeks , please send Gaijen/ Shaun/ Xianis /Danaach an in game mail. Xianis and Danaach have offered their experience in ensuring a fun and brutal RP event culminating in a Siege, which would be a lot of work so thanks in advance.

4. Misc.
a) Aptemis says he will look into recreating the ibot.
b) how often would people like to have the guild meetings. Please send Gaijen/Shaun an in game mail with your thoughts.
c) It would be great if someone in the future could take notes and put a post up on the forum with the minues.
d) Femida looks great in DX10 thanks michum

If I missed something let me know.

Last edited by Kibegami on Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:33 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 90
Location : Stuttgart
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-01-16

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Minutes/ Items discussed at theOrdo guild meeting apr 25th, 2009 Empty Re: Minutes/ Items discussed at theOrdo guild meeting apr 25th, 2009

Post  Femida Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:26 am

Here I simply wish to thank all who have come and have organized assembly. Problems in a clan are and thank God they are solved. At all of us I will turn out trust in it. Who to us with a harm will come from a harm and will be lost. Twisted Evil For Ordo S Michaelis cheers

Number of posts : 60
Class : Dark Templar
Registration date : 2009-02-01

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Minutes/ Items discussed at theOrdo guild meeting apr 25th, 2009 Empty Re: Minutes/ Items discussed at theOrdo guild meeting apr 25th, 2009

Post  Xianis Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:48 am

Hi all,

Just to add what Gaijen said about the alliance raiders.

We operate a loot ladder system , and if your not signed up to the planner you'll never be on the your relevant class ladder, So if you would like to raid with the alliance until we get enough peeps here in Ordo , please go ahead and sign up at


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2009-03-28

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