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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word"

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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Barend1033%A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Barend10 33% 
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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Barend1044%A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Barend10 44% 
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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Barend1022%A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Barend10 22% 
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Total Votes : 9
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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Empty A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word"

Post  Shaun Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:19 am

It is time to start a thread to plan a meeting in real life, some of you will be aware that a bunch of us mad players met up in Berlin in March and had a thouroughly great time so I have decided that another event should take place.

Now there are two major things that need to be sorted out 1. the venue and 2. the time,
One option for the venue is a town in Northern Greece called Stavros Thessaloniki homeplace of Ougk/Lagoudaki who has an internet cafe close to the beach it is in Northern Greece, there are other options for cities we could visit so I would appreciate some feedback here and hope to put out a final choice soon

The Time- for Greece, May is prolly the best time it is just before the season kicks off fully but after the school holidays for easter so is still a bit cheaper to get to and get accomodation BUT if the choice is maybe another European city then the time can be more flexible

any how this is just a starter thread to let you know what is planned.... hope to see some posts here soon in reply


Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Empty greece

Post  sweetangel Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:06 am

will be good to meet some people and put faces to names, as soon as we decide a time and place (the time is more important so i can book time from work) i can book something and hopefully be able to get time off work.


Number of posts : 18
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Class : Priest of Mitra
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Empty Re: A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word"

Post  Cymric Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:44 am

Maybe a different venue in Prague or even Poland for ease of pocket and not too far to travel for most folk?, and we need to first fix a date say in May 2011 for a long weekend?, just got my leave list today so need to book time off in May so can someone suggest a date for instance a weekend so I can book the 2 weeks either side of that. I need to submit my form within the next 2 no pressure then ...... Very Happy

Number of posts : 5
Age : 68
Location : Devon, England, somewhere near the Bossonian Marches.
Class : Barbarian
Registration date : 2009-11-23

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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Empty Re: A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word"

Post  Shaun Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:06 am

I have been talking to ppl in game and it seems that although Greece is tempting it may not be the best venue for the meeting and that a 4 day city break is best sooooo there seem 3 other places we could go Rome Dublin or Poland, sorry I am discounting London as I live in the area and would be expected to know all the sights and best places to go ,,,, but I don't haha ALSO I would have to go home every night and that means missing out on the fuuuun (how selfish) anyway i will try to embed a poll here for you votes OR just add to this with your choice of destination.

The second choice we face is the time of year and that comes down to March or May I think as May is out as prices rise over Easter and the school hoildays I will put something up in MoTD too to let ppl know this thread is here

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Empty Re: A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word"

Post  Shaun Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:25 am

I have been a bit remiss in following up on this but I have now had a chance to look abit more thouroughly at the options open to us and following on from "the Peoples Choice" Dublin has come out as venue of choice and now all we need to do is look at date for this to take place.

March and May are the options I think that best suit this event but there are dates to avoid as it gets more expensive

St Patricks day is 17th March so the time before and after will be more expensive and also afound school holidays puts the price up so schools break up at the end of march so it maybe best to organise for the first 10 days in March

May seems more clear with schools going back about the 3rd of may and then breaking up on or about 26th so anytime in between those dates should be better.

Sooooooo if you can put your thought down here or let me know in game then we can try to plan things accordingly

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Empty Re: A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word"

Post  Aptemis Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:08 am

I think we should line this up such that the school girls are out partying and therefore increase the chance of me banging a drunk co-ed Twisted Evil
but other then that I am open more for May

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A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word" Empty Re: A meeting in RL *sings* "Greece is the word"

Post  Shaun Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:35 pm

well as I have had little or no feed back on this topic since the destination was chosen by votes cast from members of three different guilds or any interest from others I think that I have no option but to shelve the Idea for this meeting... if someone else wants to pick up the pieces and run with it then so be it

Shame but there you go,,,


Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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