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I'm stepping down from being raid-organizer

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I'm stepping down from being raid-organizer Empty I'm stepping down from being raid-organizer

Post  Hepskuq Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:56 am

This is something that I've been considering for some time now, and at the moment feel I have to do in order to enjoy playing this game in the future. As of now, I'm no longer the raid-organizer for Ordo. The job just takes too big a portion of the time I spend with this game, and everything that comes with it is starting to interfere with having a good time and being entertained. For the record, this decision has not been influenced by the newly implemented DKP system; all I personally ever wanted was a system that would bring the 24 people needed to the instance. Neither do I have any grudge whatsoever towards anyone - I've received due criticism, never had any feedback I considered out of line, and I'm glad people speak out their minds when there is something they disagree with. I'd also like to thank for the positive feedback many people have voiced out - that kept me going a bit further, but now it's time for someone else with fresh ideas and vigour to step in. I'm simply out of energy; I'm not Moses Razz

If my contributions have made people enjoy this game within the end-game content, then I'm glad. Very Happy

Thank you

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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I'm stepping down from being raid-organizer Empty Great job Hepskuq

Post  Termie Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:42 am

I for one, think you did a great job. *loved playing under your wings*
The pending problems have nothing to do with your LEADERSHIP Smile
Now al we need to resolve is the "GREED for Epic Items" of players in our raids.

And what i believe is (even discussed it with you) that this point-system "fuckes" up the whole raid-idea.
(pardon the expression "fucked")
People are leaving the Guild, others dont wanna join. Rules are being broken.
The main reason for a raid is to "Kick ass" not "Kiss ass"

Let me please know who to contact, in order to explain the above?

Now lets get on with the game Smile

Number of posts : 16
Location : Think of me, I'l be there
Class : Ranger
Registration date : 2009-01-31

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I'm stepping down from being raid-organizer Empty Re: I'm stepping down from being raid-organizer

Post  sweetangel Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:21 am

you did a great job as raid organiser, i thinkit will be hard to replace you. But i fully understand your dicision to step down in order to enjoy the game more, its the same reason i stepped down as guild leader.

thank you for making the raids so organised and enjoyable, they were a pleasure to do with you.

Number of posts : 18
Age : 58
Location : devon
Class : Priest of Mitra
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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