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Stepping down

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Stepping down Empty Stepping down

Post  Shaun Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:08 am

Hiya Peeps

Sorry if this comes like a bolt out of the blue to some people but I am writing this to inform y'all that I am gonna stand down as leader of Ordo ,,, this will take place as of 31 January 2010, I am delaying it until then so that a suitable replacement can be found to take up the reins and give you time to choose someone or even ask someone outside the guild to join and take on the role

I wont be going into details leading up to this, but it is something I have been thinking of for sometime. I have enjoyed the power muahahahah but I feel it is time to step aside and let someone else have the privelidge of leading a great guild

I wont be leaving Ordo but I just feel I need some time away from being GL and need some time just to play without respnsibilities

And one other thing though If by that date no-one has been found I will appoint some one at random to promote over me Smile


Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Stepping down Empty Re: Stepping down

Post  Kibegami Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:47 pm

You have done a great job m8, but,,,you must relinguish the company car!

Number of posts : 90
Location : Stuttgart
Class : Assassin
Registration date : 2009-01-16

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Stepping down Empty Re: Stepping down

Post  Hepskuq Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:18 am

You've done a brilliant job, Shaun. Many many thanks for your efforts and dedication.

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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Stepping down Empty Re: Stepping down

Post  Xvar Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:13 am

thanks shaun for your efford and dedication, been fun to be under your command and i am happy to hear your not going anywhere.

Number of posts : 22
Age : 45
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-05-12

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Stepping down Empty Re: Stepping down

Post  Lochlay Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:50 pm

I was/am so sorry to hear this Shaun. Seeing the succes of Ordo and having the great bunch of people in it as far as my experience goes, I'd say you did a hell of a good job! Very Happy

But at the same time I understand it and totally respect your decision. And as long as the guild doesn't fall into the hands of an evil bastard like me, it should be fine. Oh, and I'm sorry but Kibegami is right about the company car. You can send me the keys if you want! Laughing

Oh...and happy newyear everyone!!!

Number of posts : 4
Location : Rottendamn (Netherlands)
Class : Conqueror
Registration date : 2009-12-25

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Stepping down Empty Re: Stepping down

Post  Craton Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:41 am

God damn Shaun ..... about time you stepped down.
You been talking about it for so long now.
Good thing you are doing it coz i hated you from the start hehehe.
You sucked as a leader ... in fact you suck at all you do in game. lol

Ok now no more joking hehe.
Mate you did a Great job leading Ordo's.
I have enjoyed your leadership and your crappy humor hehe.
And still do enjoy your crappy humor.
As long as i am in ordo's you were guild leader.
Now can't say that im not sad about losing you as a guild leader but one good thing is you stay on in the game.
If you ever want to take up leadership of ordo's again ..... you got my vote mate.

Ehrm... btw YOU ALL SUCK ASS. Craton Rulezzzzzzzzzz.

Number of posts : 11
Age : 53
Location : The Netherlands
Class : Barbarian
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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