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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Aptemis Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:47 am

Hi all

As of this moment I have decided to step down as an officer in Ordos and will in the coming days seriously reconsider what I will be doing in this game in general. I think I am safe to say that my time in this guild is one of the longest one if not the longest one, but after what happened with the siege and how people acted towards it, I cannot see myself as an officer anymore.
My intentions with having last nights siege as a Ordos siege was to show once and for all that we can hold our own in a battle with the people in the guild and there for showing we did not need others guilds to claim something for ourselves. I know motions ran high within the guild and many where saying things that should not be said and should have kept a more leveled head. I am not here to name anyone specially to that effect you know who you are.
But what pisses me of is the fact that the people in the guild that where online and could help in the fight didn't. Therefore I am going to thank Shaun specially for his great commitment to the guild and showing up for the fight to help us even if that might piss some of his close friends outside the guild off.
so in conclusion to this if people in the guild are not willing to help out when needed to advance this guild why should I.

Best regards Aptemis

Number of posts : 20
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Registration date : 2009-01-15

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Ayrr Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:42 am

I was one of that persons which were on-line and "didn't help" (might be even that I was the only one such person). I believe I stated my reasons clearly and I tought they are reasonable and understandable (I still think that way). Attacking friends is simply not a nice thing to do. I know that this is only a game etc. but at the same time behind the nick names on the screen there are real ppl. Relations that we are creating here are not with the pixels but with the human behind that. I'm trying to be fair and honest as much as I'm in RL.
I believe you wouldn't ask Laz to siege Legends (just an example, although it is a bit different)

Anyway, I'm at your disposal - I don't want to ba spare prick at a wedding and if guild wants me to leave, as I'm no longer worthy, with a heavy heart, I'll be gone.



Number of posts : 31
Age : 44
Location : Warsaw/Poland
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Kibegami Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:47 am

no one is asking you to leave ayrr.

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Aptemis Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:52 am

Ayrr this is not meant to you personally and I am far from asking anyone to leave the guild I am just saying I am stepping down as a Officer because I feel what I am doing and trying for this guild is for nothing. So by stepping down I am hoping someone else more able them me can take this guild to the high standard it can be in. Also Ayrr you where not the only one saying no to showing up.

Number of posts : 20
Age : 47
Location : Iceland
Class : Ranger
Registration date : 2009-01-15

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Aptemis Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:56 am

just because I missed it Ayrr when I read your answer
I believe you wouldn't ask Laz to siege Legends (just an example, although it is a bit different)

I would ask him and I am almost 100% sure he would join me because we know that pvp between friends is something to have a laugh at and not to be taken personally

Number of posts : 20
Age : 47
Location : Iceland
Class : Ranger
Registration date : 2009-01-15

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Amarisse Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:23 am

Hi Aptemis

Why are you stepping down? I had great fun yesterdaynight with the siege. The only thing that went wrong was the ventrilo server that went down. Through, we didn't win, but we had a hell of a fight with 10 ppl against 24 and even managed to do some damage. (was my first siege btw)

Don't even know if there where that many people online in our guild, but I think not. There will always be people that can't participate to some event for whatever reason. There can be stuff going on IRL and they can't commit themselves to an event because they are also needed IRL. When I just look to my own life: I have a lot the kids at home and need to be standby if something happens, there is also a baby here that needs much attention., so I am mostly playing Conan on and off the screen and I miss a lot of chatter that way. I assume other people have similar situations too.



Number of posts : 2
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Registration date : 2009-01-25

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Amarisse Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:25 am

Aptemis wrote:just because I missed it Ayrr when I read your answer
I believe you wouldn't ask Laz to siege Legends (just an example, although it is a bit different)

I would ask him and I am almost 100% sure he would join me because we know that pvp between friends is something to have a laugh at and not to be taken personally

oops, I missed some chats again, i see. Smile

Fully agree there. Just a game and having a laugh with friends at pvp, even when they are slaying my head off my shoulders Very Happy

Number of posts : 2
Age : 48
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Registration date : 2009-01-25

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Ayrr Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:54 am

Yeah, I don't mind to PVP with friends. However, I do see a difference between lets say a minigame and taking over someone's BK. While the 1st thing can be fun for both sides, 2nd one not necessarily.

Number of posts : 31
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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Ayrr Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:07 am

Aptemis wrote:just because I missed it Ayrr when I read your answer
I believe you wouldn't ask Laz to siege Legends (just an example, although it is a bit different)

I would ask him and I am almost 100% sure he would join me because we know that pvp between friends is something to have a laugh at and not to be taken personally

I would feel stupid asking him about it, the same way I would feel stupid to ask other Ordos to attack AoD or vice versa but maybe I'm just stupid. While saying "attack" I mean a siege which goal is to take over the BK.


Number of posts : 31
Age : 44
Location : Warsaw/Poland
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos Empty Re: Stepping down from being an officer in Ordos

Post  Hepskuq Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:57 am

Ayrr, you were not the only one who decided not to participate. I, too, chose to stay out, partly for the same reasons you did.

I guess my philosophy about this could be put in the following way: rubbing a cake in someone's face might seem nothing but innocent fun, but you really can't lay the blame on the receiving person if he/she gets upset by such a prank. Some would, some wouldn't. If you want to stay in good terms with people, you have to go by their standards of what's acceptable and what's not.

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