Crimson Horizon
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leaving the guild and the game

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leaving the guild and the game Empty leaving the guild and the game

Post  kissofdead Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:55 am

hi all thank for you help and companion ship the last months,the reason that i leaf is simple i lost the fun in AOC, i playd AOC from the beginning and afther 3 lvl80,s kissofdead,deadbringer and emlore and another buntch of lvl50+ its over its sad butt tru and afther i bought a horse for 100gold this morning it came to me that it was realy over Crying or Very sad for persenol reaseons i doint have the time to raids, and after so many people left the guild thare where not much guild group dugeons to do aslo.
so farwel all and goodluck in AOC and real live ,it was a pleasure to know you all FARWEL Crying or Very sad

Number of posts : 1
Location : holland
Class : Herald of Xotli
Registration date : 2009-02-22

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