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Guild Advert Script

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Guild Advert Script Empty Guild Advert Script

Post  Nahkti Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:41 am

It might be an idea for other people to have access to this guild advert script, at present I'm having problems getting the chat link the right colour, if anyone script savvy has an idea let me know.

To use it you need to open a new Notepad document and paste the following code into it:

/ch Global
<a href="text://<div align='center'><font color='#ffffff'><font color='#C000CF' face='hyborianlarge'>Ordo S Michaelis</font><br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyboriansmall'>City: Poitan</font><br>Tier 3 Underway<br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyborianlarge'>Guild Information</font><br>Ordo S Michaelis is a large, very active, friendly guild with members of all levels. Our members are active in raid content and enjoy all high level group content such as Onyx and Caravan. Members often help each other out with group content across all levels. We are a light RP guild, guild chat is mostly OOC. <br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyborianlarge'>Recruitment</font><br>We welcome all active and friendly PvE players to contact us<br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyboriansmall'>Contact:</font></font><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Shaun I am interested in joining your guild'>Shaun</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Tankman I am interested in joining your guild'>Tankman</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Havana I am interested in joining your guild'>Havana</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Hepskuq I am interested in joining your guild'>Hepskuq</a><br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyboriansmall'>Forum:</font><br></div>"><font face='hyboriansmall'color='#C000CF'>Ordo S Michaelis</a>

Save that Notepad file into the scripts folder within the AoC program folder. Save it as advert.

To then use it simply type in any chat box /advert.txt

Bear in mind that AoC sometimes limits the amount of characters for chat so at busy times it may not work, if other guilds are spamming though you can pretty much guarantee it will.

adding a new name as a link for recruitment
I think Sweet' was trying to add her name for recruitment but kept getting a code line so heres how to add names for sending a tell

the code to look for is one of the pieces of code like this:

<a href='chatcmd:///tell Shaun I am interested in joining your guild'>Shaun</a><br>

To add a name copy that line and just change both instances of the name to the contact name you want to use, so if i was doing it for me it would now look like this:

<a href='chatcmd:///tell Nahkti I am interested in joining your guild'>Nahkti</a><br>

Part of that copied code creates a line break so each name starts on a new line, that part of the code is:

When adding in a name it's important it goes in the right place, the best place to put it is last in the list of names which is currently Hepsuq, you will notice that the last bit of code for names has two of the line break bits of code in it
<a href='chatcmd:///tell Hepskuq I am interested in joining your guild'>Hepskuq</a><br><br>

Paste your code inbetween the two bits of line break code to retain the formatting. Like this:
<a href='chatcmd:///tell Hepskuq I am interested in joining your guild'>Hepskuq</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Nahkti I am interested in joining your guild'>Nahkti</a><br><br>
Because we copied a line break you should still have 2 at the end.

The complete code should look like this:

/ch Global
<a href="text://<div align='center'><font color='#ffffff'><font color='#C000CF' face='hyborianlarge'>Ordo S Michaelis</font><br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyboriansmall'>City: Poitan</font><br>Tier 3 Underway<br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyborianlarge'>Guild Information</font><br>Ordo S Michaelis is a large, very active, friendly guild with members of all levels. Our members are active in raid content and enjoy all high level group content such as Onyx and Caravan. Members often help each other out with group content across all levels. We are a light RP guild, guild chat is mostly OOC. <br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyborianlarge'>Recruitment</font><br>We welcome all active and friendly PvE players to contact us<br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyboriansmall'>Contact:</font></font><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Shaun I am interested in joining your guild'>Shaun</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Tankman I am interested in joining your guild'>Tankman</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Havana I am interested in joining your guild'>Havana</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Hepskuq I am interested in joining your guild'>Hepskuq</a><br><a href='chatcmd:///tell Nahkti I am interested in joining your guild'>Nahkti</a><br><br><font color='#C000CF' face='hyboriansmall'>Forum:</font><br></div>"><font face='hyboriansmall'color='#C000CF'>Ordo S Michaelis</a>

If you want to add your own name you can copy that and just replace my name.

IMPORTANT The code should remain on the same line, don't use carriage returns, the first line of code /ch Global tells the game which chat channel to post the script and needs to stay a seperate line, everything after that must stay on the same line.

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Class : Tempest of Set
Registration date : 2009-01-10

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