Crimson Horizon
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Guild Advert, as of 4.1.2010

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Guild Advert, as of 4.1.2010 Empty Guild Advert, as of 4.1.2010

Post  Hepskuq Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:56 am

<a href="text://<div align='center'><font color='#660099'face='hyborianlarge'>Ordo S Michaelis</font></div><br><br><font color='#CCCCCC' face='hyboriansmall'>Guild City:</font> Poitain, with all Tier 3 apart from the Architects<br><font color='#CCCCCC' face='hyboriansmall'>Battlekeep:</font> Border to Kush, full Tier 3<br><font color='#CCCCCC' face='hyboriansmall'>Raids: </font>raids on thursday evenings<br><br><font color='#99FF99' face='hyborianlarge'>Now recruiting:</font><br>All classes and levels<br><br><font color='#CCCCCC' face='hyboriansmall'>Want to learn more?</font></font><br>Contact the advertiser with /tell, leave a message on the forum or send a mail to a <font color='#CCCCCC'>Guild Ambassador</font>:<br>Sweetangel (Guild Leader)<br>Shaun<br>Aptemis<br>kibegami<br>Craton<br>Bark<br>Hepskuq<br><br><font color='#CCCCCC' face='hyboriansmall'>Forum:</font><br>"></div><font face='hyboriansmall'color='#660099'>Ordo S Michaelis</a>

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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