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Ordo implements the raid calendar!

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Ordo implements the raid calendar! Empty Ordo implements the raid calendar!

Post  Hepskuq Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:43 am

Ordo implements the raid calendar! Calendarmu1

The first raid the calendar will be used with is next Sunday's raid into BRC, 22nd day of February.

The guild will start using the raid calendar for better organization and general increase in the exchange of information. Be advised, the raid calendar seems to have incompatibility problems with Internet Explorer browsers. If you have trouble registering or using the calendar, PLEASE TRY WITH SOME OTHER BROWSER (Firefox seems to work fine with it). Herein will be listed a few guidelines and rules about booking spots for a given raid.

1. The primary method for distributing spots for these regular raids is the RAID CALENDAR. That means that if you want a spot for a raid, you have to be an invited member of the regular group (check the post "A regular raid group is established" for a list of the members) and have to have your character booked as available at least 24 hours before the raid occurs. Not meeting these criterias signifigantly lowers your chances of getting a spot for a raid. There are numerous reasons for this 24 hour deadline, with the most signifigant being the ease of making sure the raid group has the right composition-by-class for the given raid (enough Banes, enough minion-killers, enough healers etc.), prior knowledge of the amount of people able to join and simply providing the people involved confirmed knowledge of their spots beforehand.

2. Only book a spot for yourself if you know at that moment that you SHOULD be available when the raid happens, and delete your character's entry as soon as you know for sure you will NOT be available for a raid at the given time. Also reserve at least two and a half (2,5) hours of time, preferably 3-4 hours, forward from the starting time. Do NOT book yourself available for a raid if you know you can be online for, for example, about half an hour - an hour after the raid starts. Please mention if you do have time constraints in your character's comment screen, or if you expect that you might be a little late (you can also send the raid organiser an offline tell about this). However, the final deadline for logging online and joining the raid is 30 minutes after the starting time (meaning 19:00 GMT at the moment). After that your spot will be given to someone else. Of course things can happen really quick and some event might prevent you from joining the raid and you might not have the chance or the time to delete your entry in time before the raid - this is understandable, so no worries about getting "tagged" for not making it in time.

3. Only book yourself "AVAILABLE", and not "confirmed", when you book a spot for a raid. Someone else will confirm the spots and you can check the calendar beforehand whether you have a spot or not. Every effort will be made to confirm peoples' spots at least 24 hours before the raid commences. If you're a "regular" on the guild's raids, it would be good to book yourself "unavailabe" in the calendar if you know for sure you won't be able to attend a given raid. That way the organizer will know to cycle people.

4. A spot in a raid, and the rotation of players, is "player-specific", not "character-specific". You can book all of your alts available that you're willing to play in a raid (check guideline no. 4), but please remember to cross-mention all of your alts in the comment screens of EACH of your characters so that the organizer can rotate the spots for different people in a fair manner. You can book a spot for your alts by creating a separate account for each of your alts. It's time-consuming and inconvenient but at the moment it is the only way.

5. Everyone is personally responsible of knowing whether their character, and which one of their characters, is bound to the given raid instance or not. AFAIK the instances reset at 00:00 GMT between Saturday and Sunday, and if you've killed a raid boss after that, you should be bound and unavailabe to a given raid. I say "should" because sometimes you can kill the same raid boss more than once between resets. The instancing is bugged for sure, and therefore it is HIGHLY PREFERABLE that you haven't joined even an attempt on the given raid instance with your character of choise after the reset, just to make sure everyone is able to get into the same instance.

6. The proper gathering-place for the raid is IN FRONT OF the instance, NOT inside the instance. Only enter the instance when the raid organizer gives you the permission to do so. This is because some raids require the raid groups and the leadership of the raid to be arranged in a special manner BEFORE entering the instance. If the wrong person is the raid leader while someone enters the instance, it could cause problems later in the raid. So have a bit patience and wait for the raid organizer to announce it's ok to enter the instance.

7. Before you join the raid you have a spot for, install and log on to the Ventrilo server of Ordo S. Michaelis. There should be a detailed post on the guild's forum of how to do that. You are not required to speak if you don't want to, or to have a headset. All you need is loudspeakers or headphones, whichever is your preference for audio, so that you can hear what people say. It is a much faster and convenient system of sharing information, and a good way to keep up the spirit with a joke or two every now and then.

8. A raid event is for raiding and getting the job done. Only engage in time-consuming dialogues involving matters that are directly related to the raid, to the overall performance in the raid or to the tactics of the raid. Do not get involved in a prolonged discussion about issues that are irrelevant to the raid. Please have those discussions outside the raid. Generally, the poster regards off-topic discussions of longer than 1-2 minutes too time-consuming, but that's just his view Very Happy However, having fun in the raid IS enforced, so if there's a chance to throw in your 5-minute joke while waiting for a resurrection after a wipe, please do so. Razz

9. LOOTING: Check the post about the DKP system.

10. There are 24 different people in a raid, and sometimes people do not get along with each other. Be it the way someone behaves or the way they do things or whatever, you might find yourself disliking someone. Please avoid any kind of a confrontation during the raid at all costs. You got an issue with someone that's bothering you, send a tell to the raid organizer, stating the issue shortly just to let the organizer be aware of it (maybe the organizer is able to solve it quickly) and try to settle it after the raid. Behave in a polite manner and take other peoples feelings into consideration.

11. Lastly, have fun raiding with Ordo Very Happy

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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