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The Ordo raid group

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The Ordo raid group Empty The Ordo raid group

Post  Shaun Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:22 pm

We are looking to relaunch a raiding group using as many people from within Ordo as possible, the first raid will take place on thursday 13th August with the venue yet to be decided. I would like all those who want to be considered to be part of this to answer this post and lisy what characters they would like to use. I will then try to build a group based on the response.

However and this is the biggie .. as I work shifts I am looking for 2 or 3 peeps to actually take on the role of raid group leader and assistants to ensure the smooth running of this and also the management of any looting system we use be it DKP or loot ladder.

I hope that we can at least get a backbone of Ordo players for this group but people from other guilds can be given the opportunity to join too as we will need a minimum of 30 names for this. I would also stress the need of vent in raids you do not have to talk if you dont want to but it makes life a whole lot easier to explain tactics if you at least can hear the directions. I have been on too many raids where the lack of vent has wiped raids on more than 1 occasion and I dont think it is fair on the other players to have that happen

so can you let me know which char you want included in the group, which loot system you want to run which 2 days a week are better for raiding amd also if you would like the opportunity of being part of the group heiracy

And finally we cant please all the ppl all the time but we will do our best to accomodate as many as possible based on the answers given

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Hepskuq Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:20 am

Thursday would probably be a good day to organize these raids, and either Saturday or more likely Sunday, since many ppl raid with other raid groups as well on other days.

I'm also willing to do some organizing/raid leading, but my season of occasional short absences still continues until the second half of September.

For looting I'd prefer a loot ladder, simply because it's simple.

Now that we're discussing who'll be playing which classes, I'd also like to see people mention in their replies to this thread what sort of group-wide feats/spells/abilities their character can provide for the 6-person team they're in, and also what feats/spells/abilities of other classes they're aware of which would improve their own gameplay, so that we may optimize the whole raid's performance and capability. Also please observe any "global" effects that do not depend on the 6-person group, so that we won't possibly be using two instances of the same ability from two different players, and thus possibly wasting some other effect the other one could use instead (example below). This also includes the 1.05 debuffing abilities (which of course are "global") for mobs and bosses:

Physical Wrack, Ruin and Torment: Debuffs slashing, piercing, crushing and poison damage resistance (melee/ranger)
Elemental Wrack, Ruin and Torment: Debuffs electrical, cold and fire damage resistance (demo, necro, tos, hox)
Spiritual Wrack, Ruin and Torment: Debuffs holy and unholy damage resistance (pom, necro)

As for my toon, it would have to be either the Beer Shaemein drunken or the assassin. Both are fine by me, so let's look at how the group comes together and which one we need more, but I think I'd rather play the BS in these raids.

The 1.05.4 BS will have Rune of Aggression (if feated - most BS are I suppose) which provides a +40% damage modifier for the 6-person group for 15 seconds and also gives the BS's attacks a chance to apply the Physical Ruin debuff (-15% invulnerability for 15 seconds) on the target. Manifestation of the Forest pulses the Physical Wrack debuff with a 5 meter radius every 3 seconds for 25 seconds. The BS can also have one of two buffs active which either cause anyone attacking the BS's target to receive a damage-absorbing effect or an increase in Combat Rating (Unholy), but only either one can be active. Of course if we get 2 BS, we can cover both. BS combo Wreck Armor applies the Physical Torment debuff. In 1.05.4 BS can also feat for a pulsing AoE effect that applies a negative damage multiplier effect, varying from -5% to -10%, on everything hostile around the BS, which should help the tanks occasionally.

The BS can also, of course, feat for the more powerful blue heal, but I suppose the healing issue is a matter for a separate thread. I think it's worth mentioning, though, that now that the healing effects can also crit it might be very worthwhile for a healer to focus on wearing stuff that increase your critical rating in raids. After all, a healer can have multiple healing ticks each second and if you have a critical rating close to 10%, it will make a huge boost to overall healing (not sure if they can crit however - ran stats for a Crow's Nest run and there wasn't a single crit registered with a crit rating of about 5%).

My current build with the assassin has no team-wide buffs (and I don't think the assassin can have any), but I got Atrophy which applies a -30% damage multiplier on the target for 10 seconds, with a 2 minute cooldown. Grim Corruption in Poison Stance applies the Physical Wrack (-10%) debuff and a further -10% invulnerability on all physical damage for 25 seconds, and the combo has 20 second cooldown (unfeated). Haven't got Burden to Bear feated.

Last edited by Hepskuq on Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:49 am; edited 4 times in total

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Kibegami Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:26 am


are available

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Chaaron Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:36 am

Thursday and Sunday would be good for me (can join other day too)

Can join as bear shaman or guard

BS use Rune of agression and rune of grounding. Use feat Balance of nature for restoring stamina by Blood flow. Many feat points spent in global for better healing. Can use Manifestation: Regrowth as an other healing buff
Feat tree: Chaaron

Number of posts : 18
Age : 42
Location : Czech Republic
Class : Bear Shaman
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Xvar Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:06 pm

can bring Bear shaman, usually Xvar is bound cause of raid alliance raids. This might change if i start doing only BRC raids with Xvar as i only need tier 1 chest from tier 1 bosses.

Number of posts : 22
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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Bogra Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:54 pm

I woud like to use my PoM Bogra as main Raid character. I dunno if there will be other PoM's but i woud like to use Vangance build. Is not that good for MT group but have some relly nice stuff for group of meele DPS:). Holy Conquest its 3 points feat that boost Devotional Prayer Combat rating (Holy) by hefty number (about 300). Guardian Spirit feated into Vangeful Guardian its 20% Base magic damage and 70% Base weapon damage (both meele and ranged) every 2 min for 10-15 sec (dont remeber exacly right now, i check and edit post if nessesery). Manifestation of Mitra its another damage boost and small healing effect for everyone in range (it work similar to ToS idol). Imperil is a spiritual Wrack (-10% Invulnerability for 30 seconds. Stack by refreshing duration.) Recast is about 10 sec so i can keep it all fight. Avert Thines Eyes is spiritual ruin (-15% Invulnerability for 15 seconds. Stack by refreshing duration.) Recast is slightly larger (about 60s) so it have to be used on proper time, its increases targets chance to miss also, so its best to use this against meele targets.
I can also bring Diawen if there be a need for some extra DPS. She is not boud to T1 Raids more often this days.
Best times for Raiding in my case are thursdays and sundays.

Number of posts : 30
Age : 46
Location : Poznan/Poland
Class : Priest of Mitra
Registration date : 2009-01-29

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Azuan Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:26 pm

I'd be up for joining if it's Sunday and don't mind helping with organising. I would have my BS available or DT (this may differ every week as I will use whatever is needed for BDR).

Loot ladder sounds nice and simple.

Just let me know if you need me Smile

Number of posts : 7
Age : 40
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Class : Dark Templar
Registration date : 2009-07-26

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The Ordo raid group Empty the raid group grows

Post  Shaun Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:20 pm

Based on the information I recieve here I will do my best to set out a list of characters available and then we will try to compile the most effective group from the choices listed

1 . Shaun (Necro): Lister (Conq): Traithe (BS): Zolkan (HoX): Fletcher (Ranger).
2 . Aerina (Demo): Havana (ToS).
3 . Zelgius (Barb).
4 . Yuzuf (Assassin): Bathos (BS).
5 . Kyudo (Ranger): Gaijen (HoX): Kensai (DT).
6 . Chaaron (BS): Bearheart (Guardian).
7 . Lorn (BS): Xvar (Necro)?.
8 . Neave (BS): Azuan (DT).
9 . Ayrr (Guardian): Bark (Barb).
10. Kaynen (Assassin)
11. Grash (Conq)
12.Niegut (guard)
14.aptmis (ranger): Malthezare(ssin): Epro(demo):
15:Bogra (PoM): Diawen (Necro)
16. Iyoki (Guardian)

Last edited by Shaun on Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:42 pm; edited 11 times in total

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Hepskuq Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:21 pm

Seems that we won't have a shortage of BS, so I best bring my assassin for these raids, which is perfectly fine.

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Kaynen Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:10 pm

Would look forward to join in and it would be pretty clear with what character Wink
Since i'm corruption speced with my assassin my 10% resist debuff for unholy would help necro and pom's if i remember

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The Ordo raid group Empty Who I can bring to raids

Post  Havana Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:24 pm


Nice to see plans for raids again Smile

I can bring Havana who now has mainly Thunder build which includes Thundering Voice

and Aerina who is conflag specced really for Yakhmar wyrmlings but will burn anything given half the chance.

Sorry i cant bring Cheyenne as I am raiding with HA with her so she will be bound.

Number of posts : 10
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2009-01-15

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Togroth Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:47 pm

Iyoki (Lionic)

Number of posts : 11
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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Hepskuq Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:29 am

The list is filling up nicely, and the portents are good (last night Minions/Ordo killed Vistrix with almost half a pug group with just 9 banes available), but I must say I'm slightly disappointed with the lack of details people provide of the characters they sign up with on this thread (I hoped for more than the abbreviation of the classes or "I dps"). When I bid folks to do that in my first reply, meaning filling all of us in with the things they can boost the whole 6-person team with, I didn't mean that the sole aim of these raids should be to kill Vistrix in 4 banes or floor Kyllikki before she goes to the first altar. I doubt many people here join a raid for the purpose of making some world-record, anyway, but to have fun and feel the thrill of new accomplishments (and there's still so much to accomplish in raids). Now I still remember how it felt to put Vistrix down for the first time with an Ordo raid, but I don't think I'm the only one who feels that we've all moved forward since those times and certainly do not wish to become stagnant even now. Many classes have feats/abilities/spells that improve some gameplay-aspect of the 6-person team, and the more information we have of those the better we can put them to use in the most efficient manner, in the process not only making things run more smoothly and pleasantly overall, but also making people feel their presence is being utilised to the fullest by the raid organiser.

So please open up your "verbal coffins" and post the team-wide stuff your character has or possibly could have, and also any debilitating abilities you can target the mobs/bosses with, along with any ideas of how they might be best employed. I know Conqs, for example, have a huge selection of buffs to choose from. Also throw in your concerns about any shortcomings you tend to experience in raids, like running out of mana/stamina for example, and ask for a solution or suggest one yourself. Whoever the main raid organiser will be, it certainly is not his/her task to find out about all the classes by his/her own. So please do that for this person.

Thank you

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Shaun Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:18 am

Fair point Heps and I am gonna show my ignorance by suggesting what a Necro can do !!
The main problem with the necro in raids is mana management and there is only so much cannabalism I can stand haha (even though I am sooo tatsy). I am not on the game at the moment so I am working from memory but the best debuffs a necro now seems to g=have re blizzard and gangrenous stench which between them slaps on a reduction to damage done both to the magical and physical and a torment ... oh well maybe I should wait to have shaun sitting there to look at to continue lool

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Hepskuq Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:20 am

Havana wrote:
I can bring Havana who now has mainly Thunder build which includes Thundering Voice

From what I've heard, Thundering Voice doesn't work on any raid boss or mob, unfortunately making it totally useless in the raid content currently, but perhaps that will change (hope so).

Number of posts : 92
Age : 46
Location : Finland
Class : Necromancer
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Ayrr Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:17 am

I'm in with Ayrr and you can count for his following skills:

Guard Destroyer - Physical Ruin: -15% for Slashing, Piercing, Crushing and Poison Invulnerabilities on target for 15 s
Battle Cry - Team buff - Renews 181 stamina every 4s, +5% base spell damage, +42% weapon damage (melee and ranged), duration: 10s, low CD (I need to check this effect as there are two different descriptions in the game).
Dulling Blow: -803 Combat Rating on target for 15s, can be spammed every 9s

As for Bark aka Moustache Man aka Meat Grinder:
Physical Torment: -900 armour on target for 30s, can "cast" 2 stacks, one by one.
Savage Fury - team buff: +12,5% of weapon damage (melee and ranged) for 20s, I need at least 10 stacks of my Reaver stance effect so basically it can be activated during longer fights (two elite mobs at the same time are enough and bosses of course)
Distraction - team buff - reducing hate for all team members not in def stance, for -3%.
and he can chop off heads every 15s Wink

As for the looting system, I guess I will not surprise you - need on class or pass, the only fair system.


Number of posts : 31
Age : 44
Location : Warsaw/Poland
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  Shaun Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:31 am

Big changes afoot!

We are not continuing to do joint Ordo minions raids BUT that does not mean we are giving up the goal to raid ... so from Now on we will be raiding once per week on Sundays with Laz kindly taking up the reins as raid leader. He will be instigating a DKP points system eventually but until then the raids will be on a need on class basis with a note of raids attended going forward to the eventual dkp system

The Idea is still to concentrate on Tier 1 raids at the moment to build up the player base and to learn to play together and once the basics can be mastered the we will progress to T2 raids and increase the raiding calendar as well so dont be dissapointed about this be positive and sign up on the raid calendar for your chance of glory

Dont forget that for some reason the raid calendar cant be accessed via Internet explorer so you will need to get to it using another browser like firefox AND you must also register and be accepted to have access so new Raiders please register and let either Gaijen or myself know and we will activate your account

Meantime Happy hunting and


Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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The Ordo raid group Empty Woould love to join are Raid group

Post  magicdarkone Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:49 am

I have four characters that I could bring to are raids

1# Napi DT level 80 Off tank gear T2
2# Kainai Ranger level 80 DPS gear need T1
3# Blackfoot Conqqueror level 80 Off tank gear need T1
4# Siksika PoM level 80 healer gear need T1

which characters do you need the most happy to play them all but some do need T1 gear before I take them to BRC wing 1 or 2

Number of posts : 6
Age : 54
Location : Switzerland Glarus.. but i am canadian
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Registration date : 2009-11-11

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  kokotas Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:34 pm

Shaun wrote:Based on the information I recieve here I will do my best to set out a list of characters available and then we will try to compile the most effective group from the choices listed

1 . Shaun (Necro): Lister (Conq): Traithe (BS): Zolkan (HoX): Fletcher (Ranger).
2 . Aerina (Demo): Havana (ToS).
3 . Zelgius (Barb).
4 . Yuzuf (Assassin): Bathos (BS).
5 . Kyudo (Ranger): Gaijen (HoX): Kensai (DT).
6 . Chaaron (BS): Bearheart (Guardian).
7 . Lorn (BS): Xvar (Necro)?.
8 . Neave (BS): Azuan (DT).
9 . Ayrr (Guardian): Bark (Barb).
10. Kaynen (Assassin)
11. Grash (Conq)
12.Niegut (guard)
14.aptmis (ranger): Malthezare(ssin): Epro(demo):
15:Bogra (PoM): Diawen (Necro)
16. Iyoki (Guardian)

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-05-11

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The Ordo raid group Empty Re: The Ordo raid group

Post  rosekitty Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:41 pm

My current build with the assassin has no team-wide buffs (and I don't think the assassin can have any), but I got Atrophy which applies a -30% damage multiplier on the target for 10 seconds, with a 2 minute cooldown. Grim Corruption in Poison Stance applies the Physical Wrack (-10%) debuff and a further -10% invulnerability on all physical damage for 25 seconds, and the combo has 20 second cooldown (unfeated). Haven't got Burden to Bear feated.

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2010-09-12

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