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Xianis raid group looking for tanks

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Xianis raid group looking for tanks Empty Xianis raid group looking for tanks

Post  Kibegami Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:36 pm

Xianis is looking for people to tank on tues and fridays

Number of posts : 90
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Registration date : 2009-01-16

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Xianis raid group looking for tanks Empty Re: Xianis raid group looking for tanks

Post  Xianis Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:08 am

Yeah we have a space for experience players who can commit to a tuesday / friday raid program.

Would be more than happy to take on some more Ordo peeps.


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2009-03-28

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Xianis raid group looking for tanks Empty Re: Xianis raid group looking for tanks

Post  Bogra Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:23 am

My DT is 66 and rising Smile

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Xianis raid group looking for tanks Empty Re: Xianis raid group looking for tanks

Post  Shaun Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:19 pm

Peeps first and foremost I would like to state that I do not have a problem with guys in the guild raiding with other groups ... but as Ordo have started to raid again I would ask that you think carefully about committing to other raid groups for several reasons
1) That if you only have one character it may be that Ordo could use your talents
2) At present we are only raiding once per week but this is likely to change and will certainly impact on other raid groups
3)point 2 tends to then cause loyalty problems IE "Do I raid with the guild or with a raid group where I have points already invested in their loot allocation system?"
4) being a member of other raid groups tends to draw away our player base and seriously undermine our ability to organise our own raids
5)I am one of the worst for this next ... spreading yourself too thin and not being able to keep up with changes to toons if you run multiple characters Ie jack of all trades master of none

So think about it but dont feel that you have to hold back on raiding with other groups because "we might" expand our raids in the future ... this is still only a game and you should have fun playing it without reservations


Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Xianis raid group looking for tanks Empty Re: Xianis raid group looking for tanks

Post  Xianis Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:55 am

It was just a general advert to the people of ordo Shaun , Im a strong beleiver in letting people play the game for their own enjoyment , if that means raiding (with whoever) or not is totally upto them.

If the People who current raid with the raid Alliance , which to move back to Ordo raids , if you guys get things moving again .. then i wish them good luck and wish them all the best, no hard feelings.

I'm not sure if your post is a cloaked threat to those that decide to raid with other groups or just general worry / concern that Ordo members are over looking ordo raids in favour of other groups (which they have raided with probably for along time).

Anyways have fun , its a game .. nothing more , nothing less !!


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2009-03-28

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Xianis raid group looking for tanks Empty Re: Xianis raid group looking for tanks

Post  Shaun Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:18 pm

I agree too that ppl can and should be able to raid with whom ever they want and no this was not a threat veilled or otherwise ... it was more a plea to Ordo members to come and support the resurgance of Ordo raids.

Unfrotunately there is a finite number of ppl raiding, with a finite number of toons on a small time scale, in a few raid groups, and we have about 15 ppl aready raiding out side the guild with multiple toons and this can limit the ability complete a raid instance or even get a raid group together and I was just asking peeps to think about how they look at raiding in the future.

There are groups offering a lot more than Ordo can offer raid wise at the moment BUT I would like to see us offer more raids and if ppl have joined other groups, be it yours, legends, Serots, PoW or minions it depletes our chances of taking the next step.

I am in no way inferring that I want ppl to give up spots in raid groups and if I what I said could be interpretted as a threat then I am sorry, and yes this is a game and ppl should go out and have fun and enjoy themselves first and foremost

Number of posts : 117
Age : 62
Location : London ish
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Xianis raid group looking for tanks Empty Re: Xianis raid group looking for tanks

Post  Xianis Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:07 am

Thanks for confirming Smile , that puts things in alot better perspective now.


Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2009-03-28

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